

John,the last human being in the earth,was killed by Zombie

After graduating in 2013,He began to work.But he quit his job very soon,and began traveling around the world,At first,He was just like Che Guevara,With a motorcycle trip around the whole of China.On the way, he saw many beautiful scenery,And talked to a lot of interesting people.At last,He realized that the"the world changed us,and i can change the world"
After the trip,John back hometown,He started work again, and then get married, have children.Started living a simple life.
The pity is that his happy days were soon over.Because the virus,human being suffered disaster.Almost human beings are dead by the vius,and turned into zombies.This is the end of hunman history.John was the last people in the world,when he died,He was surrounded by zombies.


A Shoes shop
It's name,it's logo,just very similar to the Adidas.But it's a fake....


My Language Leaning Strategies

My Language Leaning Strategies

Strategy Description
1.watch TV,TV series 3
2.radio 0
3.Songs 0
1.talk to my friends 6
2.sing a song 0
1.newspaper 0
2.book 0
3.magazine 0
4.internet 4
1.make notes during class 1
2.write down the new words 0
3.write blog 1
4.write diary 0


Remove the mountain

There is a old man lived in the foot of the mountain.because the mountain is too high and big.Suffer from blocked mountain roads, and if go out he has to detour.One day the old man decided to bulldoze the mountain in order to making a fluent way to go out.Every day he was digging and building the roads.
He had a neighbor,tried to dissuade him don't do it."You're too old and can not accomplish this difficult task".
But the old man replied,"Even if I died,my son still can work,Even if my son died, grandchildren can still work,Children and grandchildren is no end, but the hill is not higher up,it's don't need to worry can not complete the work."
Finally, God knows this story of the old man,very impressed by him,So to play a supernatural power, remove the mountain.



Kinkaku-ji or formally Rokuon-ji is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the structures that represents the Kitayama Culture of Muromachi period.
幻灯片 2

幻灯片 2